It starts with a cough. Then you’ve got a pressing headache that has bothered you for the past week. A sudden flu is making the rounds from family member to family member, and you can’t get it to go away. It’s like a curse. You’ve done everything you can think of, but more and more problems just keep popping up! What could be causing all this strife?
Is it possible your AC is making you sick?
When a family member suddenly comes down with a bad case of allergies or fatigue, it’s almost never the first thought to check your AC! But sometimes, that’s exactly where you want to start. At Peach State Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, we know how disheartening it can be when a loved one gets sick. If you notice any of these symptoms popping up in your household, it might be time to call for help!
Signs You Might Need To Check Your AC
An Increase in Allergies & Sinus Problems
When the spring arrives and everything seems to turn that familiar shade of pollen yellow, it’s almost expected that you’ll hear more sniffles and sneezes. But why does it seem like you can’t even avoid the curse of a stuffy nose even inside your house? Isn’t your AC meant to filter all that pollen out?
Unfortunately, a poorly maintained filter isn’t going to be able to do its job! If you haven’t changed out your filter from last spring, you might want to look into making some changes soon. This may only be exacerbated if you keep your windows or doors open while your AC is running.
Dry Skin
Due to the way air condition systems work by pulling moisture out of the air to keep things cool, if you spend too much time exposed to cold, dry temperatures, there’s a likelihood you may notice your skin growing dry or flaky. Oftentimes, people who work in heavily air conditioned offices might notice this, and it’s much rarer to find in your average home. However, if you’re turning your AC down to the extreme, you might notice this.
We recommend you avoid taxing your AC by pushing it to its limits. Failing that, a humidifier can help balance out the AC and prevent the air from getting too dry.
Frequent Headaches
The birds are singing; the sun is shining… and you’ve got the world’s worst headache pounding in your head. In fact, you’ve had the world’s worst headache for a while now. This too could be a sign that something is up with your AC.
While dehydration because of excess moisture removal can be a cause, some headaches may be caused by contaminants being circulated through your house by your AC. If you have pets especially, don’t overtax your AC’s filtration system by slacking on vacuuming and dusting! Keeping up with your cleaning schedule can extend out the periods between your next filter change.
An Increase in Respiratory Issues
Coughing, difficulty breathing, an increase in asthma symptoms, and other breathing problems all might be signs that your air conditioning unit might be infested in mold. Mold thrives in excess moisture, which makes an AC the perfect breeding ground if it’s not properly cleaned or left alone for long periods.
In the case of a suspected mold infestation, we suggest calling a qualified HVAC technician to clean your system. Mold is a very serious problem and should not be treated at home.
Repeated Illness & Colds
We’ve all lived that nightmare: A member of the family suddenly falls ill. You do everything you can to quarantine them from the rest of the family… But suddenly someone else falls ill, and then the next, and the next. One by one, your family falls to the flu. Except even when they’re better, it seems to pop up again!
If you’re noticing a pattern of repeated illness, it might be time to look into replacing your air filter. Airborne illnesses can easily spread through HVAC units and can be a breeding ground for cold causing viruses and bacteria. This can lower the indoor air quality, which makes it harder to beat a persistent cold.
Painful Eyes
It might not be the first thing you think of, but if you’ve begun to suffer from dry, painful eye problems… You guessed it, your AC might be to blame! While it might be an issue of excess moisture being pulled from the air, it also might be a sign of microbial contamination in your air filtration system. Poorly cleaned systems or systems that do not use filtration designed to catch small particles might then circulate this contaminated air throughout your home. This leads to irritants in the air that can cause problems with your eyes.
Choosing Peach State Air Conditioning & Refrigeration!
No matter which of these symptoms you’ve experienced, the importance of regular maintenance cannot be understated. A properly maintained AC unit can keep your family healthy and comfortable through the long summer months, but one that is left to grow dust, mildew, and mold will only bring you trouble.
Thankfully, Peach State Air Conditioning & Refrigeration has your back with our Peach State Preventative Maintenance program. We’ll stop by your house twice a year to make sure your system is in good working condition by inspecting your system for problems and making certain your air conditioner is cleaned. With over 30 years of experience, you can trust us to keep your family safe and comfortable no matter the season.
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