No matter how long we want an air conditioner to last, every system has a lifespan. As your air conditioning system ages, it will begin to break down, and more and more problems will show up. When you start noticing issues with your system, it might be time to ask… Is my system getting old?
Most standard AC units, or central air conditioners, have a lifespan between 10-15 years. Some can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance, but in most cases, if your system is approaching its tenth birthday, it might be a sign you should start saving for a new system.
When To Replace vs Repair
When your air conditioning unit has a problem, your impulse might be to call an HVAC technician and put thoughts of replacement off to the future. However, at some point, you’ll need to accept that a replacement is the best option for you and your home.
If your cooling system is approaching its fifteenth birthday and has shown any of the previous signs of damage, it’s unlikely that your repair work will extend the life of your system. You may discover that within a year, you have to call for more work, increasing the repair cost. At that point, the best thing you can do to save yourself money is to bite the bullet and replace your HVAC system.
4 Signs Your AC is Going Out
In most cases, your aging system won’t just give out one day. It’ll show signs of its age. Keeping an eye out for these signs will help you know when it’s time to prepare for an AC replacement.
1. Your AC Keeps Breaking Down
If you’ve been calling a repair technician over and over again to fix a new problem with your system, it might be time to consider a replacement. The most obvious sign your system needs to be replaced is a constant need for repair work.
While you might be able to delay replacing a system by calling a technician, there may come a time when your system is rendered unfixable… By then, you’ll likely have spent more money than you would have if you’d just bought a new system at the first sign of trouble.
2. Your Power Bill Is Astronomical
A hike in your power bill could be a sign your system is struggling to cool your house efficiently. Not all spikes are a sign you should be concerned—everyone knows that summer usually sees an increase after the more moderate winter months. However, if you notice a particularly uncommon spike in your bill, that may imply your system is weakening due to age.
3. It’s Not Cooling Your House
Your AC should blow cold air. If your system isn’t properly keeping your house cool, then it’s time to find a replacement. An AC could fail to cool your house for any number of reasons. It might be that your AC isn’t suitable for your house, or it could be weakened due to age. However, if your system is blowing hot air, it’s time for a technician to visit.
4. It Uses R-22 Freon
If you’re not keeping track of AC news, you might not have been aware of the situation with R-22 Freon, a refrigerant that older systems use to keep houses cool. Because of concerns about its effects on the environment, the government has made it illegal to manufacture or import R-22, effective as of 2020.
This means that any system running on Freon will not be able to replace its supply once it runs low. If your system runs on Freon, it might be time to look into effective replacements, as the supply that does remain won’t last forever.
How To Extend Your AC Units Lifespan
While most systems’ lifespans are between 10 to 15 years, taking care of your AC system properly can extend your system’s lifespan to 15 to 20 years. These simple tips can
- Regular Preventative Maintenance
- Lowering Usage to Avoid Overtaxing Your System
- Replace Air Filters Regularly & Keep Your System Clean
- Check Your Home’s Insulation
Peach State Has Your Back
Thankfully, whether it’s to repair a system, perform routine maintenance, or replace your aging AC, Peach State Air Conditioning & Refrigeration can help you when you’re in need. With our dedication to providing our customers with the best in HVAC services, you know you’ll have the best technician in Southeast Georgia on your side to diagnose and repair your AC problems!
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